where am i?

so here's the scoop.

i'm done with social media, most of it at least.
i deleted my twitter and tumblr because i'm done with the drama. i really care about people, and friends are posting questionable things that make me want to help them. i'm such a people pleaser, i can't leave things unsolved, or not cared for. it's my friends fault i deleted it, obviously. ha, i'm just done with being filled up with online life. i hate how life is portrayed online, i hate how people seem, i hate how i seem, i hate how sometimes i feel like people are worshiping me on my blog. i really hate it all.

so, i suppose that's how i feel truthfully. i just want to leave life sometimes, i want to get out, and away from people, and explore the world. i want adventure, yet i want to love christ with everything i have, and i feel like i'm one huge failure for not being able to live for him. it feels good to be off of some social sites though, i really want to take this time to be encouraged and renewed. so that's where i am.

(ps i can't believe i have 40 followers on here. i really didn't mean this blog to be anything big. thank you all.)



  1. YES. i know exactly what you're talking about, Kiley. i'm not much of a "people" person--i like silence, and quiet better than huge gatherings, but i'm coming to realize that people are the most important. REALLY. we take people for granted--thinking that they'll always be there for us to minister to; and that we'll always to here to minister to (and visit with!) them. but they aren't, and it is SO important that we treasure our time, and not waste it on the internet. (wow, that was longer than i was going to write, but, okay.;)) i'm getting there--many social media sights are going out the window for me. :) but this is so good, friend. love it.

    (also, that picture. gah.)

  2. (also, about your question--not sure if you got either of my answers that i posted on Twitter + Tumblr, since i just read that you deleted them. :) but i am a diabetic, and have been for about 4 years. i've wanted to email you + chat, since i know that you are a diabetic too (and not just for that reason--i think we have a lot in common. :)) but yes--i finally answered your question. ;) haha.)

  3. I can totally relate, Kiley. I'm debating whether to delete some of my social network sites too. Maybe I should just take a long break from it all. I NEED to set a schedule or something, otherwise I can waste my time on so much social media, and I really want to redeem the time not waste it because time is so precious!! Aggh! It's so hard.
    I applaud you for not giving in to the pressure; for letting go and stepping away from a few sites. It really can become FAR too much.

    Blessings, friend!


  4. I can really relate to this. i've kinda been going through a sort of the same thing, so i'm glad you're taking a step. keep it up. :)


  5. I can't totally relate. I have considered deleting my Instagram, for that very reason. It's nice to hear that somebody else is thinking the same things as me. :)
